
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

More Fan Photos

billy says, "thanks to some more fans for submitting additional fan club pictures! tiz the season after all. bd "

Missy Piper NC

Tobias Nite    MA

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Another Treat

I have managed to obtain another double d production promotional video - here it is for your enjoyment, make sure you can hear it!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fan Photo

Thanks to Ben Dover for submitting this fan picture that he snapped while roaming about the Scottish highlands!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

bdFC Charter now available: #1 in a series

Now available for a limited time only, the bdfc Charter, as a pocket mod booklet. You can now obtain your own personal copy by downloading, printing, and folding the PDF file that is available here: Link. This is the first in a series and offers some very valuable information concerning member’s rights and privileges.
More information on the original Pocket mod, and a video with folding instructions can be found here: Link.

The PDF file can be downloaded from this link, have some fun with it. 
Cover Image

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Interesting Mug purchase

A Dunoon mug - you have to wonder what they were thinking or perhaps this was labeled this way deliberately!
Freeeeeeeeeeeedom! w.w.

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Interview - jb: Revised

By very special arrangement billy has been able to obtain the transcript of an interview conducted with the members of one of billy’s ongoing curiosities. It is included here for your enjoyment, billy hopes you find this piece of special history as intriguing and indeed as enlightening as he does (he is also trying to obtain a look at the original manuscript):  With much thanks to my friend Neil James, for providing me with this transcript.

The only interview ever granted by jane bank:

[NJ note: The following transcript is taken from the notebook of an amateur interviewer, that I had the pleasure of being allowed to review between the 7th and 16th of July 2011. the pedigree has not been confirmed. The notebook consisted of a number of hand numbered pages, some of which appeared to be missing or torn.  Neil James. ] 

Shortly after the issue of their first album, rumors began to circulate about hidden references and meanings within the works. Allusions to secret locations and the existence of a secret society were supposed to be referred to in non-direct form. “jane bank:” granted a short interview on the condition that absolutely nothing be revealed about the meeting itself. Not even race, sex, physical appearance, accent, etc., of individuals or individual involved, absolutely nothing was allowed to be revealed. No recording devices of any nature were allowed, including pen and paper. The Interview was to last exactly 23 minutes and was to be held in a hotel room identified by “jane bank:” on a day of their choosing. The interviewer would be given one hour and 24 seconds notice of the interview location. He was not allowed to report who was in attendance at the interview, other than the interviewer. Any question could be asked but not necessarily answered, the interviewer was reminded at the start, that the interview would be terminated at exactly 23 minutes and that he should make the best use of his time. What follows is a transcript of that interview, drawn from this interviewers’ memory as best as possible within the hour after the termination of the interview. Because of the restrictions, the answers are paraphrased, but he believes they hold the essence of what the reply meant.

R.M. for Interocitor Records  November 2009

RM: Are you a member of a secret society?
jb: If I told you I/we was/were, it would no longer be a secret.
RM: Why do you want to be so inaccessible, wouldn’t you be more popular and successful if your fans could gain more access?
jb: You assume jane bank: is in any way interested in popularity or success.
RM: Well if you are not interested then why bother?
jb: We are jane bank:, we create art.
RM: Are there hidden messages in your work?        
jb: Yes.
RM: Why are they there, what is the point?
jb: All great art is expansive, layers of meaning, multiple interpretations; anyone can find something in the art created by jane bank:. It keeps giving as much as you want. You can look at the surface if that’s all you want or you can go deeper. Peel off another layer and find something else. Keep looking and you’ll find more. Ours is art that never ends.
RM: Can you show me an example of something hidden or open for interpretation?
jb: No answer, continued with interview after waiting some seconds.
RM: If I ask you about something I believe is a hidden message would you tell me if it is true or not?
jb: If you believe it to be true, then it is.
RM: Will you tell me if it was deliberately placed it in your work?
jb: We can tell you if it has meaning or not.
RM:  “XJDFERSTUIOEOFXODIOE” appears on the border of the inside booklet for the two slits CD, what would you say about that?
jb: It has meaning.
RM: Anything more
jb: A short pause then; we are not the first to reference this.
RM: What does it mean?
jb: To us or to you?
RM: It is obviously code for something, is it a person place or thing?
jb Another longer pause – none of those, blue would help you.
RM: Can you tell me about any other hidden messages?
jb: Information is all around you.
RM: Can you recommend any publications that may give someone a better insight as to what you stand for?
jb: Visit Shell beach.
RM: It has been widely speculated that there is no meaning behind any of the art jane bank: produced, how do you respond to that?
jb: We have no idea what Jane Bank (emphasis) produces, on the other hand everything jane bank: wills into existence has significance.  
RM: You are referring to the band named Jane Bank that hit the scene briefly a number of years ago, I believe they released a CD to mixed reviews, are the same people involved or a derivative of that original Jane Bank that has become jane bank:?
jb: The inspiration and genesis of jane bank: is the culmination of many and varied  original sources.
RM: Can you tell me,  yes or no?
jb: You will need to search beyond the boundaries of your limited immediate temporal binaural audio experience and learn to embrace all that is natural. You would benefit from an intention experiment that many lead to altered states.        

[NJ note: Pages numbered “2” and “3” appear to be missing from the Notebook]

RM: Is your body of art finite or will you continue producing art continually?
jb: We have much to accomplish and a certain time frame to work within.
RM: What do you hope to accomplish by bringing your stuff out into the public?
jb: Illumination.
RM: Are you affiliated with any religious sect.
jb: This has no meaning.
RM: Why hide meaning throughout your work, why not just come out in public with full disclosure?
Jb: You are assuming anybody would be interested.
RM: Judging by the buzz and the demonstrated worldwide interesting your numerous web projects, I think there would be.
jb: Not everything is as it seems.
RM: Do you have a vision for you journey?
jb: The vision is not ours, we do not envision; the world is designed by those who participate.

RM: What is your motivation?
jb: What we offer is a journey, a voyage for those who are inspired to take the initial step. A dialogue for anyone who wants to participate.

We have made everything you need to participate available and will continue to provide for as long as we can.

RM: No further dialogue took place; the interview was terminated after 23 minutes.     

[NJ note: Another torn page here]

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sneak Preview

An early look at the soon to be released new membership card!
Sample  for review.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fan Club Sites

For those of you who are unfortunate enough to exist in an oppressive environment (State), where your browsers (having been controlled by Big Sister) will not show some simple Java code applet of the interactive map, billy has painstakingly taken the time to capture a static view of the map image, just for you, as of the date of this post. This image is not updated but shows the prolific proliferation of the bdFC sites around the world. The ever growing Fandom universe.