
Friday, September 21, 2012

The Final Problem

It is with a heavy heart that billy takes up his keyboard to write these, the last words that will be posted to this blog. A decision has been made to terminate the bdFC. But, before there are too many tears shed, he would like to thank all the members for their support through some tough times and let everyone know that he plans on replacing the FC with a new wonderful worldwide anonymous philanthropic group, known as the “bd - Everyone Needs Imagination and Great Moments Always Society”, whose mandate will be, to do good wherever and whenever its members can. billy believes this organizational mantra is more in keeping with his ever increasing existential beliefs and original FC concept. Recently the Club membership has seemed to stray from its founding members original path concept and desired goals. The current balance in the fan club deposits will be distributed to existing charities, supported by the Society to be used for good throughout the world, wherever the membership sees fit. 
So long and thanks for all the fish! Fnord.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

billie© award for September 18, 2012

Best band début album: Boston, Boston

billies© awarded so far:
  1. Worst customer service ever: American Airlines
  2. Best Sci-fi movie - 2001 a Space Odyssey 
  3. Best Gerry Anderson animated(marionette) TV series: Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons 
  4. Worst cartoon of all time: Rocket Robin Hood
  5. Top fictional sleuth: Sherlock Holmes
  6. Worst thing to happen to music: American Idol
  7. Best Blog website:
  8. Most disturbing TV program: Toddlers and Tiaras
  9. Most active bdFC fan: Rich Keithers

Saturday, August 18, 2012

billie© award for August 18, 2012

Worst customer service ever: American Airlines

billies© awarded so far:
  1. Best Sci-fi movie - 2001 a Space Odyssey 
  2. Best Gerry Anderson animated(marionette) TV series: Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons 
  3. Worst cartoon of all time: Rocket Robin Hood
  4. Top fictional sleuth: Sherlock Holmes
  5. Worst thing to happen to music: American Idol
  6. Best Blog website:
  7. Most disturbing TV program: Toddlers and Tiaras
  8. Most active bdFC fan: Rich Keithers

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fans can be spotted everywhere:

Some fans randomly spotted at a famous theme park. - thanks for showing your continued support.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Marilyn Monroe

billy took some time out recently to pose for a couple of pictures with a Marilyn Monroe on set, at Universal Studios.

Thanks Norma Jeane!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

billie© award for July 18, 2012

Best Sci-fi movie - 2001 a Space Odyssey

billies© awarded so far:

  1. Best Gerry Anderson animated(marionette) TV series: Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons  
  2. Worst cartoon of all time: Rocket Robin Hood
  3. Top fictional sleuth: Sherlock Holmes
  4. Worst thing to happen to music: American Idol
  5. Best Blog website:
  6. Most disturbing TV program: Toddlers and Tiaras
  7. Most active bdFC fan: Rich Keithers

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

billie© award for July 11, 2012

Best Gerry Anderson animated(marionette) TV series: Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons

billies© awarded so far:

  1. Worst cartoon of all time: Rocket Robin Hood
  2. Top fictional sleuth: Sherlock Holmes
  3. Worst thing to happen to music: American Idol
  4. Best Blog website:
  5. Most disturbing TV program: Toddlers and Tiaras
  6. Most active bdFC fan: Rich Keithers

Sunday, July 1, 2012

billie© award for July 1, 2012

Worst cartoon of all time: Rocket Robin Hood

billies© awarded so far:
  1. Most active bdFC fan: Rich Keithers
  2. Most disturbing TV program: Toddlers and Tiaras 
  3. Best Blog website:
  4. Worst thing to happen to music: American Idol
  5. Top fictional sleuth: Sherlock Holmes

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today's billie© award

Top fictional sleuth: Sherlock Holmes

billies© awarded so far:
  1. Most active bdFC fan: Rich Keithers
  2. Most disturbing TV program: Toddlers and Tiaras 
  3. Best Blog website:
  4. Worst thing to happen to music: American Idol

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today's billie© award

Worst thing to happen to music: American Idol

billies© awarded to date:
  1. Most active bdFC fan: Rich Keithers
  2. Most disturbing TV program: Toddlers and Tiaras 
  3. Best Blog website:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Today's billie© award

Best blog website

billies© awarded to date:
  1. Most active bdFC fan: Rich Keithers
  2. Most disturbing TV program: Toddlers and Tiaras 
