
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Billy’s own special Haggis recipe. (WARNING not for everyone)

So billy found himself cooking over the weekend, and whipped up a batch, so here it is for everyone's pleasure:



Sheep's pluck (Heart, liver and lungs)
A pound of beef suet
Four large onions
12 small onions peeled and scalded twice in boiling water
1 pint of oatmeal roasted in the oven at 150 OC for two hours
Black Pepper
Cayenne Pepper
One well-cleaned sheep stomach, soaked in salt water for several hours. The stomach is called the haggis bag.
A half pint of beef gravy

Cooking Method

1.Clean the pluck thoroughly.
2.Make incisions in the heart and liver to allow the blood to flow out.
3.Par-boil the whole pluck, letting the windpipe lie over the side of the pot to allow liquids such as the blood to leave the lungs.
4.After boiling for a few minutes, replace the water with fresh water.
5.Boil for an hour.
6.Remove the pluck and cut off half of the liver. Continue boiling this until it is hard enough to be grated easily.
7.Take the heart, the half liver and part of the lungs. Remove any skin or nasty bits.
8.Mince the above ingredients with the beef-suet and all the onions.
9.Grate the remaining half of the liver and add to the mince.
10.Spread the mince out on a chopping board and spread the oatmeal over the top of it, add black pepper, salt, and cayenne pepper to taste. Mix well.
11.Bring a large pot of water to a gentle boil.
12.Put the meat into the haggis bag and add the beef gravy and lemon juice, if desired). Only fill the bag to half to allow for swelling.
13.Squeeze out the air and sew the haggis bag closed.
14.Place the haggis into the gently boiling water.
15.When the haggis bag begins to swell, prick it all over with a large needle to prevent bursting.
16.Boil haggis for about three hours.
17.Serve, with neeps and tatties, and a shot of your best Scotch whiskey! 


1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good - save the neck for me Clarke.
