
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Milestones, and I'm not talking about the restaurant

We just broke the 1000 page views and more than 20 official fan club members thresholds! Congratulations all and thanks for showing an interest. Fnord


  1. Why do THEY call them page views when it is on a monitor and not paper?

  2. Good question anonymous – I believe the term may come from the fact that the computer code used to render the image on the screen in the browser is referred to as a page (probably because the code was originally written on paper and converted to 80 column punch cards for a computer to read and convert into machine code so that it can execute a set of instructions, in this case to render a visual representation of what the written code specified.
    It could also be that the rendering code, HTML or such, is logically broken into separate units which each render as a new screen, (each screen has its own source document that represents one logical display unit, when grouped together these individual units could be referred to as pages of a greater whole, not unlike paging through a book. Although, I am not an expert and could be way of base here.

  3. You had me at Billy said!

  4. Oh DoN'T bE sO hArDoN mE bIiiY dArLiNk CoMpUtEr
    Is My SeCoNd LaNgUaGe.


  5. 20 members............I doubt them while you are naming all of your fan club world wide locations............sure.....

  6. All personal information is kept private and confidential!
