
Thursday, March 22, 2012

CREEPY - Zombie Apocalypse (post on behalf of J.Watson)

Before Dr. Watson can join billy and Sherlock in their new enterprise he has to resign his current position. Now it probably goes without saying that billy can not identify the actual name of John’s employer here, but suffice to say it is a workplace like most work places, a cubicle farm that has become the ubiquitous scenery of the 21 century employment scene. John it would appear works in the creepiest place on earth. He sits in one of the smallest and most forwardly positioned cells of a group, meaning there is constantly someone situated behind him. The work stations are oriented so that in a normal working position his back faces the common access area, where not only people that belong in his cell block come and go, potentially anyone in the building can move freely behind him at any time. Normally his back faces this well trodden path (yes trodden, check out the ingrained dirt) by no more than six feet. Even creepier, no one moves with the same agility. He can hear some people coming from miles away as they tromp up and down (a distraction in its own rite), others move so silently, as if attempting to glide over rice paper without so much as a whisper. This environment breeds a mixture of justifiable paranoia and constant distraction, or anticipation thereof. John can’t wait to join billy and Sherlock. billy asks, rhetorically: {a beat}  Is this not CREEPY?

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