
Friday, April 29, 2011

Broken cup picture

Wait - something in this picture is broken, literally and metaphorically !

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fan submitted Pics

Some wonderful fans have sent in some pictures of their amazing effort to build a shrine like environment, honoring billy. This is so far out, that you have to see it to believe it. So here are the pictures. Congratulations G and D this is the most fantastic feat of Pod decorating billy has ever seen, although it is hard to find billy in all that decorating. billy welcomes fan pictures and will try to post any that are received.

Pod Space (Headquarters)

Some people call it Barren - billy calls it - Spartan, and conducive to concentration and meditation! This is where he monitors the Club from.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Donations are up!

Some good Samaritan of the anonymous kind has seen fit to respond to the enormously upsetting theft of the ten cent donation, and contribute an equal amount, to make up for that unfortunate affair. The money in the form of two nickels and was found at the bdFC headquarters with a small note attached. Thank you very much, oh, wise and omnipotent being, whom sees fit to grace the Club with such generosity! P.s. Club security is, right now, deciding whether or not to send the note for handwriting analysis. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Deadmau5

A couple of late pictures from the Junos of Deadmau5 arriving at the red carpet!

Just for the FANS! Deadmau5 spotted at the Junos. Can we eat now!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Goal thermometer added on the left!

Goal thermometer top is 1 million dollars, current red arrow at 27 cents. The oddly shaped and very rare double bulbed thermometer (twice as much alcohol)! Very attractive I might add. It has a nice shape to it, kind of reminds me of a couple of cherries.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The value of 10 cents

An additional 10 cents was donated yesterday from some adoring fans, however the money seems to have gone missing somewhere in transport to the secret underground safekeeping area. You will notice that the donation amount has not increased any. If any one knows of the whereabouts of this donation or the parties responsible for absconding with the funds, please notify the administrator or crime stoppers. It is especially hurtful in that this extra donation would have meant that the bd family could have eaten dinner last night, as it were the family split a hot dog but had no ketchup to go round. The 10 cents would have provided just enough for that extra little tasty bit that they so relish (formidable, say it in French). Thanks for listening. bd

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The "Knob" Members

It has come to billy's attention that some fan club members are calling others "knobs" or "nobs". While this kind of name calling is generally frowned upon, billy says; "Sometimes we hurt, most, the ones we love. In these hectic days, there are times when you just feel run over and lash out at whomever is nearest to you. I see nothing wrong with this as long as there was no malice intended. Indeed it may have brought a much needed smile to the faces of some other members. No foul no harm, lets move on. Now, the use of some other rumored names (which will not be repeated in this post, but you know who you are and what I am referring to) is totally in appropriate, and I believe anyone using them should be fined heavily, very heavily."

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A couple of shots of billy at the Junos

One with Shania and me playing dress up. Can't remember the other girls name.

The Afterwords!!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Answers to some fans questions!

I though I'd take some time and try to answer some of the questions from the Guest book.
(Poopie from Holland Landing) the 25 cents was found in the parking lot, I have since found another two pennies. I can’t identify other Fans by name because of privacy issues. (Geri from Aurora) A very special event is planned for October 24 2011. Not to give too much away right now, but it might involve the "Mother Ship" and some members of the Illuminatus (Robbie from To.) There will be personal invitations sent out to all members for the next meeting, soon.

Official Opening

Welcome to the official opening day - "Today" for this Fan Club Site!