
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Donations are up!

Some good Samaritan of the anonymous kind has seen fit to respond to the enormously upsetting theft of the ten cent donation, and contribute an equal amount, to make up for that unfortunate affair. The money in the form of two nickels and was found at the bdFC headquarters with a small note attached. Thank you very much, oh, wise and omnipotent being, whom sees fit to grace the Club with such generosity! P.s. Club security is, right now, deciding whether or not to send the note for handwriting analysis. 


  1. Any further with the investigation?

  2. I have been advised that testing the note for DNA is against the Geneva Convention or some such body, "for that reason I'm out", of testing the note for any kind of DNA.

  3. I have been advised that the note has mysteriously disappeared from the office of the Torchwood investigating unit. They have suggested that I should not make any further inquiries.
