
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fan submitted Pics

Some wonderful fans have sent in some pictures of their amazing effort to build a shrine like environment, honoring billy. This is so far out, that you have to see it to believe it. So here are the pictures. Congratulations G and D this is the most fantastic feat of Pod decorating billy has ever seen, although it is hard to find billy in all that decorating. billy welcomes fan pictures and will try to post any that are received.


  1. You really are a KNOB!!!! This is not a shrine in any way to honor you...........get a bloody grip!! This is an effort to show you what a bin should look like...not the barren area you spend your days in!!! But if you look very closely under the computer monitor you might see a figure resembling you as a young billy....AKA Mr Potato Head!!!!

  2. hm!, I obviously was mistake by this fans picture submission and intent. I stand corrected, but why would a fan call billy a "KNOB!!!!", or "Potato Head!!!!"?

    I must reconsider this whole venture now. The FANS are becoming unruly!

    (bin/pod what's the difference?

  3. HELLO!!!!!!!!!! That was MR POTATO HEAD not just any potato head............ And there is a big difference in bin/ can work in a looney bin but not a looney pod!!! pooy and jerry want to wish billy a very Happy Easter and hope the bunny is good to you!!!!

  4. Hello Rich Kiethers here,,,
    Don't worry bILLY believe it or not I have been
    called a Knob once or two hundred thousand times and it doesn't get any
    easier... So keep your chin up and your knob down
    and in time everything will be all-right...
    Anyway let that be a lesson to ya... I'm Rich Kiethers bye, bye.

  5. I still want billy to be mine... even with his foibles.
