
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hey, I just met you - "Meat" and Greet

billy, freshly returned from a “Meat” and Greet in Buffalo, NY., where, and this is crazy, he was introduced to no less than five different people claiming to be SMOOCHY(aka smoochy). The only know photograph from the event that included billy and one of the individuals claiming to be SMOOCHY is below, picturing both dining on some fine fare from the event sponsor – “Willie's Fine and Succulent Gourmet Wieners and Sausages”. The enigmatic SMOOCHY left abruptly, after devouring a large New England Clam and farting.

The locating and interview of the real SMOOCHY may be the case billy and Sherlock have been waiting for. More information will be required.

Note to SMOOCHY, if you’re out there and wish to contact billy here’s my number down the left side, so call me maybe.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sharing the bounty of the Universe and the love that is billy..

Greeting to billy’s ever loving fans and others (fans in the making). billy can feel the love of the fans, all around  him. Keep it up, express your love and joy in sharing on this site, broadcast it out into the universe, it will provide for you and return it ten fold. Share all you can with each other here, after all this is the official billy duncan Fan Club site, and it is here for you, my unyielding and magnificent partners in this journey, I can not express enough gratitude for the interest you show in my somewhat regular ramblings, and draw enormous strength from you every day.

All members should share their love thoughts; help spread the joy that is billy. Celebrate your billy Club membership daily.

billy always encourages a free exchange of information and opinions, he would hate to be forced to moderate comments being left, in fact if it ever came to this then billy would very quickly loose interest in maintaining this site and look to other avenues to encourage the fans to participate and engage in intercourse.

And for those of you interested in the EggZ phenomenon, billy has heard branches shaking in the grape vine that there is soon to be a new web site launched, and he will joyously post it here when he has more detailed information.

Be seeing you, bd

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ruled by the Man (J. Watson needs help)

Watson sent a note to a colleague (from his present employer) and received a somewhat expected all be it vehement response. The exchange is reproduced here with permission (Watson’s colleagues name has been changed for anonymity.
Watson forwarded this on in the hope that billy or Sherlock could possibly be able to lend some form of assistance; billy has reproduced it here to draw on the collective minds of the Fan Club members, in a somewhat desperate attempt to garner some other suggestions for a quick and satisfactory resolution to this ever increasing ubiquitous problem.
Here it is then:  

Hey Bobby

How are you? How is the [job] market out there now?
If you hear anything I desparately(sic) Need/Have to get out of here

thanks, J. Watson


Your plight sounds hauntingly familiar! I to am in dire need of something.
My current situation has the distinct honor of being the first and only job I have ever had, that will very soon send me into a downward spiraling state of depression. I am consumed with hatred, anger, and frustration at my current predicament. I am disgusted with the ultimate despair I feel at the absolute futility of this situation, and can see no viable solution.
I apologize for being the bearer of doom and gloom, but as I am sure you are aware; As far as the market is concerned – I believe it is non-existent!
My advice to you would be – stick it out as long as you can – I believe your tolerance in these matters is far greater than mine.

As always, if I hear of anything I will let you know (seriously though, don’t hold your breath).
