
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hey, I just met you - "Meat" and Greet

billy, freshly returned from a “Meat” and Greet in Buffalo, NY., where, and this is crazy, he was introduced to no less than five different people claiming to be SMOOCHY(aka smoochy). The only know photograph from the event that included billy and one of the individuals claiming to be SMOOCHY is below, picturing both dining on some fine fare from the event sponsor – “Willie's Fine and Succulent Gourmet Wieners and Sausages”. The enigmatic SMOOCHY left abruptly, after devouring a large New England Clam and farting.

The locating and interview of the real SMOOCHY may be the case billy and Sherlock have been waiting for. More information will be required.

Note to SMOOCHY, if you’re out there and wish to contact billy here’s my number down the left side, so call me maybe.


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